A Win BY Youth, FOR Everyone

Elaine Decker, PhD • November 14, 2020

Mathur et. al. v. Her Majesty in Right in Ontario

 A landmark climate lawsuit


A year ago, Ontario Premier Doug Ford weakened Ontario’s climate targets.


Seven courageous young people – Sophia, Zoe, Shaelyn, Alex, Shelby, Madi and Beze, aided by a legal team from Ecojustice, Canada’s largest environmental law charity, sued the Ford government, claiming that these weakened climate regulations threatened their Charter Rights to life, liberty, and security of the person.
The Ford government made several procedural arguments to have the case dismissed namely that the courts aren’t the right forum to discuss climate change, that climate impacts are too far in the future to understand now, that climate change is so big that Ontario’s regulations won’t make much difference, and that the young people can’t represent the interests of other generations.
Last week, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled, agreeing to hear the case, saying “This case is of public interest, in that it transcends the interest of all Ontario residents, not just the Applicants’ generation or the ones that follow.”

The seven applicants will have their day in court, and we will all have public and legal attention focussed on the implications of climate change for our heath and our future.

What can YOU do?

1) Meet the seven applicants: https://ecojustice.ca/case/

2) Watch for the court case itself

3) Talk with your own network of climate activists about the importance of strong legal boundaries and enforcement

4) Support Ecojustice: https://ecojustice.ca/

THEN ... tell us about it, in the comments below - we would love to hear from you!

* photo credit to Emily Chan

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