Earth Hour
Dance of Darkness
Session #3
*** Saturday, March 22, 2025 ***
@ 6:00 PM Pacific | 9:00 PM Eastern
Ritual & Community for “One Universe” Storytellers: Relevant Practices and Paths Through and Beyond Uncertainty
author and evolutionary educator
Rev. Dr. Carol Kilby
The Dance of Darkness
Coming Saturday, March 22, 2025
@ 6:00 pm Pacific | 9:00 pm Eastern
Vigil with the Black Madonna. We will join in or prepare for the global ritual of turning off lights at then enter a vigil exploring the cosmic and planetary powers, gifts, and opportunities of darkness. We will end using chant and movement.
*** Includes Session 1 Dance of Cosmos's Genesis for Free ***
SESSION 3 - Earth Hour: The Dance of Darkness
Coming Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 6:00 pm Pacific | 9:00 pm Eastern
Vigil with the Black Madonna. We will join in or prepare for the global ritual of turning off lights at then enter a vigil exploring the cosmic and planetary powers, gifts, and opportunities of darkness. We will end using chant and movement. Bring a noise maker/drum, symbol of the Black Madonna (optional).
*** Register below - Includes Session 1 for Free ***
SESSION 2 - Dance of Allurement
Now Streaming On-Demand 24/7
Alter-Altar Building: Reclaiming the virtue of love from the human-centric consumerism, this ritual celebrates it as a cosmic energy. You will build an altar that alters and deepens our understanding of this power as the potential in our lives with which to seed a future of human-planet mutuality. Bring a collection of talismans from nature, a tray, candle, match, water.
*** 25% discount - Register below for Instant access - Includes Session 1 for Free ***
SESSION 1 - Dance of Cosmos's Genesis - FREE
Now Streaming On-Demand 24/7 - included with any other session registration
SESSION 1: Dance of Cosmos's Genesis
Begin the new calendar year with a celebration story! Just as all rituals tell stories, this is a UNIQUE retelling of the new sacred story celebrating the deeply personal nature of Universe and the profoundly cosmic nature of our person, purpose, and place in this evolutionary moment.
A new beginning, this Story-ritual is the heart and soul of this series. This gathering pays tribute to the work of PIEL and all those New Storytellers working for Earth literacy and a sustainable future.
Registrants will receive an attachment to download and print. Bring Red, Green, and Blue markers/pens, a Journal, Candle, lighter, glass of water.
Storyteller & sister on the journey is Rev. Dr. Carol Kilby
Awakened by the planetary crisis, she studied at the University of Creation Spirituality where she was introduced to the New Cosmology, Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry. Following the future’s call, Kilby stepped out of an urban pulpit and into the woods to open Gaia Centre for Eco-spirituality and Sustainable Work, an eco-spirituality retreat center hosting Evolutionaries such as Brian Swimme, Matthew Fox, Miriam MacGIllis, and Drew Dellinger.
Kilby says, I was shaped to be the person I became by ritual and I’m grateful. But to be the cosmic being needed for this planetary moment, I needed new rituals and a community of one’ness consciousness. Today, I find my strength and put my faith in the new sacred story and seek evolutionary ritual community wherever I can.
Kilby has authored two books: Evolutionary Dancer, In, Out, and on the Fringe of the Church, and, Becoming the Change – Evolutionary Rituals and Practices for Everyday Emergence (awaiting publication) with cosmic commentaries by astronomer and educator at the Deep Time Network, Stephan Martin.
She has offered programs on the Deep Time Network and returns to PIEL with this unique calendar.
Visit her at:
Ritual & Community for “One Universe” Storytellers:
Relevant Practices and Paths Through and Beyond Uncertainty with Rev. Dr. Carol Kilby
Rituals are essential. They are integral to the human journey. What is needed are “celebrations of the stupendous moments of transformation in the time developmental story out of which we’ve emerged.” Thomas Berry
A monthly series for 2025! Come for one or all ten. Our gatherings in ritual space will be an adventure in symbol and language, light and darkness, stillness and movement, reflection, conversation and surprise.
This is for you!
When the stories that shaped us no longer fit, and the rituals that sustained us leave us wanting more,
we find ourselves on yet another threshold.
for those in, out, and on the fringe of religion with a New Universe Story.
When the new story that calls us is cosmic and unfolding through, and as us we long for rituals that celebrate our becoming more, and we find there are others at the threshold.
a new consciousness is breaking through in individuals all around the world,
and they will find one another.
Teilhard de Chardin
When the humpty-dumpty world that held us is cracked wide open and the visions and values that united us are no more, we find ourselves to be the threshold.
Earth-lovers, empaths, activists, and co-creators navigating the collapse of Modernity.
When the future is breaking-in and the vast cosmic communion that seeded us calls for more, we find a ritual-community for becoming the change we were born in this time to become.
rites of passage, celebrations, and ceremonies integrating spirituality and science to
express our awe, transform our grief, and rekindle our gratitude.
2025 Program Calendar
1. January 8, 2025 - Dance of Cosmos’ Genesis (10:00 am PST | 1:00 pm EST)
Begin the new calendar year with a celebration story! Just as all rituals tell stories, this is a UNIQUE retelling of the new sacred story celebrating the deeply personal nature of Universe and the profoundly cosmic nature of our person, purpose, and place in this evolutionary moment. A new beginning, this Story-ritual is the heart and soul of this series. This gathering pays tribute to the work of PIEL and all those New Storytellers working for Earth literacy and a sustainable future. Registrants will receive an attachment to download and print. Bring Red, Green, and Blue markers/pens. A Journal, Candle, lighter, glass of water.
2. February 14, 2025 - Valentine’s Day (10:00 am PST | 1:00 pm EST) Dance of Allurement
Alter-Altar Building. Reclaiming the virtue of love from the human-centric consumerism, this ritual celebrates it as a cosmic energy. You will build an altar that alters and deepens our understanding of this power as the potential in our lives with which to seed a future of human-planet mutuality. Bring a collection of talismans from nature, a tray, candle, match, water.
3. March 22, 2025 - Earth Hour
(6:00 pm PST | 9:00 pm EST)
The Dance of Darkness
Vigil with the Black Madonna. We will join in or prepare for the global ritual of turning off lights at then enter a vigil exploring the cosmic and planetary powers, gifts, and opportunities of darkness. We will end using chant and movement. Bring a noise maker/drum, symbol of the Black Madonna (optional).
4. April 22, 2025 - Earth Day (1:00 PM PST | 4:00 PM EST) The Dance of Synergy
The meal is an ancient ritual form of transformation. Participants can invite others or do this alone. Honouring the Wisdom of Women, this practice acknowledges the grief and suffering we share with Earth due to global warming; it offers hope from the new story -- peril and promise are one. Bring 7 tea candles, matches, your utensils, plate(s), a placemat(s), a plant, a pitcher or glass of water, a dish of food.
5. June 5, 2025 - World Environment Day (10:00 am PST | 1:00 pm EST) Dance of Identity
To embrace our cosmic power of love we must free ourselves from limiting labels. Using the ritual form of procession and recession, and based on the “I am” sayings, this dance is about unmaking the identity shaped by Modernity and reshaping it in the context of One-World Consciousness. The ritual begins at the threshold to the future. Bring a small mat, length of rope, etc to represent a threshold.
6. September 7, 2025 - International Day of Clean Air (Time TBD) Dance of Deepening Kinship
Explore humanity as part of an ever-deepening kinship with all that is and will be; In an evolutionary breathing practice we will experience how we can be positive cocreators of the Noosphere through which we are even now shaping the future. Download or draw your own 6 circle mandala.
7. October 1st, 2025 - World Habitat Day (10:00 am PST | 1:00 pm EST) Dance of Home
Drawing on the Wisdom of Indigenous, we will dance and chant in the four directions on the paths of creation celebrating our own bioregions, and designing our personal intentions for the health of the ecosystems.
8. November 30, 2025 - Remembrance for Lost Species (10:00 am PST | 1:00 pm EST) Dance of Remembrance.
An opportunity to explore, name, and express the grief of Earth’s loss. Beings of Earth, we are pschoterratic beings: we feel Earth-pain. The Wisdom of Science confirms the web of life is collapsing at 1000 times the usual rate of extinction. While extinction is largely invisible in our daily lives, this ritual strives to make visible our reality and inspire our transition into a future of regeneration. Bring any size of embroidery hoop or a bent wire coat hanger, 12 – 15 coloured yarns, raffia, or strips of cloth stretched across and attached to the hoop, a pair of scissors.
9. December 20-21, 2025 - Winter Solstice (TIME TBD) Dance of Unmaking
Bringing a raw egg for this ritual we will honour Earth’s season of emptying using the ancient and relevant symbol of the Cosmic Egg. Bring a raw egg, a sharpie marker or pen, and a bowl.
10. January 1, 2026 (10:00 am PST | 1:00 pm EST) The Dance of Emergence
Honoring the wisdom of Science, In this candle lighting ritual, we celebrate ourselves within the new story of the Universe – “We are here at just the right time and place.” Participants will need 7 Stones, 7 tea lights, 2 feet of yarn, rope, and / or a cake with 7 birthday candles, and matches. The last in the series.
Ritual & Community for “One Universe” Storytellers: Relevant Practices and Paths Through and Beyond Uncertainty
Program Name:
Session 3 - Earth Hour: Dance of Darkness - March 22, 2025 (including Session 1 Recording)
Session 2 - Dance of Allurement - On-Demand (including Session 1 Recording)
Session 1 - Dance of Cosmos’ Genesis - FREE with any other Session Registration
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Carol Kilby
Dates: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Time: 6:00 pm Pacific | 9:00 pm Eastern
Cost: $25.00 (CDN) per SESSION
(A thank-you to Rev. Dr. Carol Kilby for this generous offer).
(Please do not let cost deter you from attending. Ask us about our funding for programs.)
Location: On-line – Streaming Video