Ecological Healing After Covid 19
Diarmuid O’Murchu
For many around the world the roll-out of vaccines marked a breakthrough, saving millions of human lives. However, the vaccines address symptoms, and fail to engage a range of underlying causes which undermine the health and well-being of humans, non-humans, and the suffering earth itself. People of faith need to name and address the ensuing challenges so that healing and more enduring hope can arise for all life-forms under threat at this time.
In preparation for this program, prospective participants in this event are encouraged to read the following article:
Wiebers, D.O. & Feigin V.L. (EDS): “What the COVID-19 Crisis is Telling Humanity,” Neuroepidemiology, 54 (4.6.2020), 283-286.
Online Link:
Cost: $20.00 (Please do not let cost deter you from attending - Click Here to learn more about funding)
Location: Zoom on-line – a link will be sent to you a few days before the program begins.
This program has started. Registration will be open for a limited time. Video replays of the previous sessons will be made available so you can catch up to date.
While we can accomodate as many attendees as needed in our online seminars, some seminars are limited in numbers due to facilitator / speaker requests. Where numbers are larger than normal, breakout groups may be created to allow for small group discussion and exercises.
Links are provided to the Shopping Cart / Payment Gateways on the Course page.
As we use Zoom Conferencing software, most recent Smartphones allow for Zoom Streaming to cell phones. If you would prefer to call in via non-video access, Zoom links include call in phone numbers.