Art Sparks'
Cosmic Creativity & Well-Being Program
(now with 6 and 12 session options)
"Earth's Curvature" by Imogene Drummond
with Imogene Drummond, M.F.A., M.S.W., A.C.S.W.
Registration is currently closed - please contact us if you are interested hearing about Imogene Drummond's next live program or requesting access to the replay of this program.
Module 2 (6 sessions) begins Oct. 17, 2023
Replays of Module 1 & 2 are available On-Demand 24/7
Art Sparks' Cosmic Creativity
& Well-Being Program
with Imogene Drummond
M.F.A., M.S.W., A.C.S.W.
Tap into your hidden potential and ignite
your personal creativity while connecting to the Universe! In Art Sparks’ 12 week holistic program, you are invited to explore and develop your creativity through artwork embedded in the context of the Cosmic Story. By aligning your imagination with the larger whole, the program helps you experience the joy of accessing your inner artist...
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Program Summary | Art Sparks' Cosmic Creativity & Well-Being Program
Tap into your hidden potential and ignite your personal creativity while connecting to the Universe! In Art Sparks’ 12 week holistic program, you are invited to explore and develop your creativity through artwork embedded in the context of the Cosmic Story. By aligning your imagination with the larger whole, the program helps you experience the joy of accessing your inner artist.
“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.”
— Albert Einstein
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt
Ignite Your Personal Creativity!
Through creating art that expresses and affirms your individual uniqueness, Art Sparks energizes and empowers you. Imogene’s Divine Sparks film, an award-winning film with its implicit affirmation of human and non-human diversity, complements the course. By the end of the program, you will see the emergence of your—and other participants’—creative voice!
By combining Creativity, Self-Worth, and the Universe, Art Sparks provides a bridge between your artistic and personal growth. Integrating a deeptime perspective, Art Sparks offers an antidote to a sense of isolation, alienation, and fear engendered by our dualistic Western culture.
This course will increase your appreciation of your unique creativity and strengthen your sense of well-being.
Is this course for you?
If your answer is YES to any of the above ...
then this course is for you!
Explore the Medium of Your Choosing
We are all creative! With a focus on process, not product, Imogene facilitates individual self-expression.
Each participant can explore any medium of their choosing. For example, you can paint, make collages, do photography, write poetry, or explore mixed media.
Except for the fourth session which will be black and white paper cut-outs, it is recommended that you choose one medium to explore in order to see the emergence of your creative voice.
Session Descriptions
Session 1 - Introduction
Art Sparks begins with viewing Divine Sparks film, followed by a discussion, and the “Visualize Words” activity. You choose two of your favorite words in the film and create an image visualizing your chosen words in unusual relationships.
Session 2 - The Story Begins
This session links the film’s introduction with the idea that we all have a “life story.” By exploring your own story through art, you can discover ways to make your life more meaningful and satisfying.
Session 3 - Blue
The Blue session aligns the idea of possibility with the metaphorical great blue void from which everything emerged. You explore what it means that you are each “possibility.”
Session 4 – Black and White
The interconnectedness of opposites is linked with the emergence of night and day. This session centers around how seemingly opposite things are related, and how we are all simultaneously different and similar. The “Cut It Out!” black-and-white paper cutout activity enables a sense of tapping into your creative flow.
Session 5 - Red
The idea of transformation is symbolized by the emergence of water and sky. This session conveys the ideas that each person can be a hero, and that transformation is doable. Through your artwork, you experience yourself as a hero in your own life!
Session 6 - Green
The idea of growth is represented by the emergence of the Great Green Earth. In the movement + art activity, “Twirling, Whirling On,” you experience your growth process in an embodied way and express it in art!
Session 7 - Yellow
This session links us with the scientific idea that we are physically connected to the stars. Astrophysicist Carl Sagan’s information that we are all “star stuff” is mind-expanding!
Session 8 - Purple
The idea of journey is associated with the emergence of animals. Discussion centers on thinking about the benefits of going on a journey—whether by running errands, traveling to different cultures, or viewing our own life as a journey. As the course develops, more choices of art activities are given to promote individual empowerment.
Session 9 - Orange
The idea of consciousness is linked with the emergence of humans. Discussion and art work centers on what it means to be aware, awake, and conscious. “My Dream of the Future” activity builds on an earlier activity in the second session about personal goals and reflections.
Session 10 – Rainbow
The ideas of harmony and cooperation are connected
with the potential for the consciousness of all living things. All the preceding colors combine into a rainbow to represent harmony and cooperation.
We explore what harmony means and how it involves diverse elements working together.
Session 11 - The Story Ends
This session explores a sense of belonging to a more hopeful universe—by shifting from “me” to “we.” You invite others (ahead of time) to join you in making a piece of art together. You experience the joy of collaboration and “being in the flow” of the creative process—and making a piece of art that no one person could have made!
Session 12 – Summary & Emergence of Your Artistic Voice
You share three pieces in which a similarity of patterns, composition, use of materials, textures, style, themes, or color is apparent. Your “body of work” will reveal the emergence of your artistic voice—an affirming, empowering discovery! A progression of expression, or resolution of issues, may also be apparent in some of your later pieces.
Trailer for "Divine Sparks" Film by Imogene Drummond
Imogene Drummond, M.F.A., M.S.W., A.C.S.W., is an internationally collected artist, award-winning filmmaker, educator, and author of articles about cultural transformation.
An eco-spiritual artist, Imogene has undertaken numerous art expeditions to sacred sites around the world, created art films about creativity, developed Art Sparks’ creativity program, and created a cosmo-centric video installation. Imogene’s toolkit ACQUITS promotes effective group communication. Her article "Options for the Future: Transforming Patriarchy through a Process of Cultural Metamorphosis" is the closing piece in the thought-provoking anthology The Rule of Mars: Readings on the Origins, History and Impact of Patriarchy endorsed by Pulitzer Prize-winning scientist and author Jared Diamond. Imogene is a member of the esteemed Society of Women Geographers, whose membership includes explorers of ideas as well as geography, among them Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, and Jane Goodall.
For more information about Imogene’s art, visit her website at:
"Art Sparks is a marvel! This vibrant creativity program is already sparking the imagination and empowerment of our children, who are seeking ways to connect to the wonders of our universe."
~ Mary Evelyn Tucker, producer of the EMMY-winning Journey of the Universe film, book, and educational series
"Drummond’s work is what painting is all about: It has a painterly quality and a primitive energy that is not conventional. Paintings must flow internally from the artist. Drummond’s work does this."
~ Leonard Freed, Magnum Photographer
Program: Art Sparks' Cosmic Creativity & Well-Being Program
Facilitator: Imogene Drummond, M.F.A., M.S.W., A.C.S.W.
Dates: 6 or 12 Tuesdays - Sep. 5 to Nov. 28, 2023 with a break on Oct. 17, 2023.
Cost: See Above (Please do not let cost deter you from attending - Ask us about our program funding)
As our programs are now available on zoom, most of our program have no limit to the number of attendees, while some programs will indicate a maximum number of attendees as determined by the facilitators.
If you follow the Registration buttons, you will be given the choice to pay via credit cards, PayPal account or by cheque. We also offer discounts, which are available by clicking the links in the shopping cart.
Yes, if you download and install the ZOOM video app (application) on your Smartphone or tablet, you can attend the program on your smartphone or tablet, with most wifi or cellular data connections.