Living through Collapse:
How do we show up as life goes on?
Are you pretty sure ecological and societal collapse is happening and wonder how to live in the face of that?
This series of four Saturday mornings will meet the needs of anyone who is pretty sure ecological and societal collapse is happening and wonders how to live in the face of that. Participants will be open to exploring, in community, what is in our psychological and spiritual emergency kits, and what is missing. It is not suitable for those who might be traumatized by this kind of subject matter, who want to argue whether collapse is happening or who want to redirect our discussion to action or solutions. (Action is meaningful, but this is a time to reflect on the inner experience of this crisis.)
Our facilitator, Lisa Gordon, is a 40-year veteran of environmental campaigns and has relied on Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects to keep up her spirits through that time. She is an accredited facilitator with the Center for Courage & Renewal and has recently found a supportive community in the Deep Adaptation movement. She facilitates in a structured way, providing time for private reflection and voluntary sharing, but not for debating with each other.
session 1: Collapse is a loaded word. What does collapse mean to us and how does it work as a metaphor for our experience? What are some other words and metaphors that help us make sense of what is happening inside us (psychosocial) and on Earth (ecological)?
session 2: The pandemic is an example of collapse in action. What have we learned or unlearned from Covid-19 about ourselves, our community and the world? How does our response to this threat and others inform how we show up during collapse-related threats?
session 3: Our technological society prefers action, solutions, security, control and order, often wrapped in a message of urgency. How do those norms influence our experience of collapse? What other perspectives and norms have value?
session 4: How are we called to be with collapse? What does "collapsing well" mean to us? What guidance and courage can we find in each other and in loving traditions like the Work that Reconnects, Deep Adaptation, grief work and palliative care?
Lisa Gordon heard her calling in 1980 from a tenacious little pine tree hanging off a bare rocky cliff. The pine tree said, if I can hold on in these circumstances, so can you! This experience motivated Lisa to complete her Masters in Environmental Studies, followed by 35 years serving not-for-profit and government agencies with conservation mandates. On the verge of despair and burn-out in 2014, Lisa attended Courage & Renewal (TM) retreats and is now accredited to facilitate these events, which build courageous communities to face injustice together. Her events also weave in practices from The Work That Reconnects and Deep Adaptation. Visit:
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This program has started. Registration will be open for a limited time. Video replays of the previous sessons will be made available so you can catch up to date.
While we can accomodate as many attendees as needed in our online seminars, some seminars are limited in numbers due to facilitator / speaker requests. Where numbers are larger than normal, breakout groups may be created to allow for small group discussion and exercises.
Links are provided to the Shopping Cart / Payment Gateways on the Course page.
As we use Zoom Conferencing software, most recent Smartphones allow for Zoom Streaming to cell phones. If you would prefer to call in via non-video access, Zoom links include call in phone numbers.